50 Years of TIMBERLAND at Citadium

A vibrant interactive phygital experience!

For a playful and innovative presentation of their products

Vue des viisteurs du stand Tiberland àà Citadium

Timberland called upon the agency Seven to create their anniversary pop-up stand at Citadium for three weeks. To discover: for its 50th anniversary, the brand released 8 colors of its flagship shoes, much to the delight of its customers.

on découvre un stand Timberland plein de couleurs, les chaussures ont des couleurs également. Ce stand est attirant car ludique via des interactions phygitales.

The objectives of this interactive in-store experience.

The objective was to allow visitors to the stand to discover the anniversary collection in an interactive and immersive way.

In order to arouse interest and attract customers, we therefore designed a stand that highlights each of the shoes on pillars in their respective colors.

The challenges of this interactive phygital experience.

  • Express setup in one night.

  • Making the shoes interactive without aesthetically altering them.

SoWhen? rend une chaussure Timberland interactive. Lorsqu'un visiteur la prend en main et la dépose sur une stèle phygitale, un contenu se déclenche sur l'écran associé.
un client prend en main une chaussure timberland rose. il l'a dépose sur une stèle interactive et phygitale. Cela déclenche un contenu artistique rose sur l'écran. C'est est expérience retail innovante réalisée par SoWhen?
La société CréaTech SoWhen? créée pour Timberland une expérience phygitale interactive innovante pour leur 50 ans sur leur stand de Citadium, et ça déchire !

Our mission

Working in partnership with the teams from Seven and Frénésie, we developed the concept for both the stand and the phygital experience presented. The aim was to enable stand visitors to explore the anniversary collection in a way that was both interactive and immersive.

To generate interest and attract customers, we created a stand that prominently displayed each pair of shoes on pillars, each in their own color.

Visitors were encouraged to pick up their preferred shoe and place it on a central pillar. When a shoe was placed, related content with matching color was triggered on a screen, and the entire stand changed to the color of that shoe, further immersing the individual in the experience…

To achieve this, we developed an application and connected the shoes to it using a NFC chip recognition system.



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